Avoidance does NOT resolve, Let’s Face Screenings Together!

Health Screenings are very important! Health Screenings are procedures and tests that look for abnormal health conditions and disease before you have noticeable symptoms, or you may have minor symptoms. Screenings can help the doctor find diseases early; this is important because the earlier you catch a disease or problem, the sooner it can be treated!


In addition, if you know someone in your family who has a medical condition or disease, especially mother, father, sister or brother, you may need to get a screening to make sure you have not inherited the same condition or disease.

Depending on your age, sex, and medical history you may need additional screenings…


Getting recommended screening tests is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Depending on your age, sex, and medical history, you may need to be screened for a number of things; BlackPink recommends the following to help you on your journey to rethinking your health and your screenings:

Physical Exam

– all age groups should have a yearly physical, a physical should entail the doctor asking questions about your health and checking you out from head to toe. What’s important to know is


it is NOT just done with an annual doctor’s appointment. Here are some things a physical might detect:

  • Certain types of cancer
  • High blood pressure or high cholesterol
  • Thyroid
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis (weak bones)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Hearing loss, dental problems or vision loss
  • Mental health conditions, like depression



– this exam is MOST important because it truly can save a life and most of us are not getting it done! The exam takes a picture or Xray of our breasts; the first test gives doctors a base line     (what your breast usually looks like or what a normal breast looks like). This test may not catch all breast cancers, but it will alert doctors to abnormal things that may need further tests.

It is extremely important to Note, Afro- Descendant (Black) women get breast cancer at one of the lowest rates, however Afro- Descendants tend to die at a much higher rate, because of the aggressiveness and the late stage of diagnosis.

For specific risk factors and age guidelines – http://www.sistersnetworkinc.org/moreinfo.html

Depending on your age, sex, and medical history, you may need to be screened for a number of things; BlackPink recommends the following to help you on your journey to rethinking your health and your screenings:







– recommended screenings start at age 50, this is the key to preventing colorectal cancer. If polyps are found, removing the polyp(s) help most from getting colorectal cancer. If you have a family history or have abnormal bile movement, consult with your physician, you may need a colonoscopy to rule out problems.

Early Detection is important to all cancer’s, particularly colon cancers.

Let Us Help!

If you or someone you know needs a screening, but can’t afford the cost, please contact BlackPink. We will assist you with the cost or direct you to an agency that can assist.