Energy is Transferable

You’ve just finished a heated argument, you not really sure why you allowed another person to cause you to yell, scream, squint and frown your face and eyes in dismay; you head is now hurting, your heart is racing and your face is red and feeling extremely warm underneath your brown and black skin.

You got up early this morning, said a prayer, worked out, did yoga, meditated and left for work early to beat the morning traffic to work. While driving you turn on your music or pod cast and listen to what further sooths your soul. You are calm and feeling excited to face the day. You park your car, get out walk into your work place and say instantly say “Good Morning”, why wouldn’t you, your morning has been great. Suddenly, here comes your co-worker and you repeat your “Good Morning”, the co-worker looks at you and says in almost non-existence voice “good morning” ; you look at them and say you OK? Cause you are in a “GREAT” mood. The co-worker shakes their head and said I’m ok. Instantly, your excitement and morning calmness goes out the window. You walk to your desk and wonder what just happened?

Positive energy is related to your well-being, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When you have higher levels of positive well-being you have decrease risk of disease, illness and injury. Furthermore studies have found you have better immune, speedier recovery, increased longevity, productive work and more likely to be involved in your community. Yes! You read this correctly; positive energy or positive well-being helps create positive health.

Positive energy is important in maintaining a positive health outcome, Hmm, did I just repeat what I said above? Yes, because I want to make sure you UNDERSTAND this concept. Be positive, give positive energy and spread positive energy. Energy is universal, it’s like a smile, a music note, energy is rooted deep inside all of us, so make sure you use your power (positive energy) in the correct manner. Einstein said “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed”, it can only be changed from one form to another”.

Having the knowledge that you can affect someone with such a powerful force, how will you use your energy the next time you come in contact with energy, hopefully in a positive manner? Image your life if you were surrounding by positive energy, if all day you just saw smiles, or heard laughs. How would that affect your energy? You will be in a “GREAT” mood! Be Healthier and Be More Productive

Whenever I’m in a distressful situation at the doctor’s or dentist office I hum Eric Roberson’s “Just A Dream”, it calms my heart rate, it causes my breaths to be steady, it assist my vitals to be in the normal range. That one song in which my mind relates to in a positive manner, gives me positive energy. What’s your positive energy? Find your positive space, find your positive thought, pass it on and on and on!!!


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